Episode 8 - The Film Guide Paperback

Episode 8 covers the "film guide" paperback which began in the 1950's and is still going strong. In particular, we examine the BFI Film classic series along with the more modern Cultographies film guide series which, obviously, examines the cult film canon. In the first half of the show, I share a brief history of the paperback film guide and then the BFI Classics series followed by Cultographies. The second half features two special guests, Kim Vodicka, who discusses her pick in the Cultography series (Ms. 45 by CC) and Cody Goodfellow (Danger:Diabolik by XX). The discussion was lively and fun as we look at both the book and the film it is based on.
Complete episode notes along links is available at paperbackshow.com
©Ricky Lee Grove